2020年コラボレーション2度目となる今リリースは待望のアパレルコレクションが登場!世界No. 1を誇る飲料ブランド「コカ・コーラ」と、日本を代表するストリートブランド「A BATHING APE®」とのコラボレーションアイテムが発売決定。本コラボレーションは2020年7月25日(土)に発売。

The second collaboration in 2020 will debut the release of our long-awaited apparel collection! Collaboration items between Coca-Cola, the world's No. 1 beverage brand, and Japan's leading streetwear brand, A BATHING APE® will be available on Saturday, July 25th, 2020.

2020年5月に発売された「コカ・コーラ」スリムボトル BAPE®デザインはまだ記憶に新しいが、 今回のコラボレーションでは待望のアパレルコレクションがリリース!

The Coca-Cola Slim Bottle BAPE® Design, launched in May 2020 is still fresh in our minds but there is more to come! The long-awaited apparel collection will be released for the new A BATHING APE® x Coca-Cola collaboration!


The collection consists of six colors, made possible with the strikingly bold and refreshing image of the Coca-Cola brand.

A BATHING APE®の人気キャラクター「MILO」がサーフィンやスケートボードなどにチャレンジしているグラフィックが落とし込まれたTシャツや、「コカ・コーラ」とBAPE®両ブランドのロゴが大胆にプリントされたショーツはこの夏絶対に手に入れておきたいアイテム。

A BATHING APE®’s popular “MILO” character can be seen surfing and skating on graphic printed T-shirts. Logos of the two brands are boldly printed on the shorts as well, which are must-haves this summer.

また、今コレクションには2020年に20周年を迎えたBAPE®を代表するスニーカー「BAPE STA™」もラインアップされている。コークレッドとホワイトで仕上げたアッパーの外側にはおなじみの「コカ・コーラ」のスクリプトロゴが配置されており、大胆かつユニークなデザインで注目の一足となっている。

The collection also includes BAPE®’s iconic “BAPE STA™” sneakers, which celebrates its 20th anniversary this year, in 2020. Coke® Red and white script logo is boldly placed outside the upper, boasting a unique and eye-catching design.


Other items from the collection include headbands, bucket hats, and the collaboration logo printed glass, perfect for drinking a Coke on a hot Summer’s day! Enjoy with the original tenugui (Japanese hand towel) and uchiwa fan! This is a collection that you will not want to miss, especially in Summer!

2020年7月25日(土)より、全国のBAPE STORE®およびA BATHING APE® 公式ウェブサイトBAPE.COM (www.bape.com)、ZOZOTOWN (https://zozo.jp/brand/abathingape/) にて発売!

The A BATHING APE x Coca-Cola collaboration will be available on Saturday, July 25th, 2020 at A BATHING APE® locations, BAPE.COM (www.bape.com), and ZOZOTOWN (https://zozo.jp/brand/abathingape/) !

Click the image to enlarge.


*BAPE STORE®渋谷、原宿、大阪、BAPEXCLUSIVE™青山は入店の順番を決める抽選を発売日当日午前10時30分より行います。抽選時間以降にお越しになられたお客様は、いかなる理由でも抽選対象外となりますのでご注意ください。(その他の店舗に関しては、各店舗までお問い合わせください。)

*A lottery will be held to determine the order of customers' entering the store at 10:30 a.m. on the launch date of the store: BAPE STORE® SHIBUYA, HARAJUKU, OSAKA, BAPEXCLUSIVE™ Aoyama.
Customers who arrive after the selection time will not be allowed, for any reason, to enter the selection. Note: For other stores, please ask directly at the store.
*Only limited numbers are available, so you may be unable to purchase the product even after queuing.
*In the case of queues, lotteries will be held to decide the order in which people can enter the store. (This is not a guarantee of the right to purchase.)
*Do not queue during the night or early in the morning, since this causes inconvenience to neighboring stores and residents.
*Any behavior causing inconvenience to local residents, other stores, or other customers, or attempts to jump the queue, may lead to sale of the product being discontinued immediately. Customers who fail to follow directions given by our staff will not receive tickets for the lottery or be allowed to purchase the product.
*Sales will be refused to anyone caught offering money or goods to other customers, or trying to sell or otherwise promote their own products, etc. to other customers inside or outside the store.
*Buyers must pay with their own money.
*Payments on behalf of groups will not be accepted.